Original Published: April 10, 2024
Update [04/16/2024]: Official documents from the clerk of courts related to the filing discussed in this article have been added. These documents provide verified details pertinent to the case. View the court filing [link to PDF]for more information.
Pensacola, FL – Jonathan Garrett Green, J.D., has initiated an Emergency Petition for Judicial Relief against the mayor of Pensacola, the city council, and the Community Redevelopment Agency. The petition asserts violations under U.S.C. 42 § 1983, a statute enabling individuals to claim deprivation of constitutional and federally secured rights.
The filing alleges that Pensacola’s local officials violated the First and Fifteenth Amendments, as enforced by the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. According to the petition, the mayor has publicly stated that certain residents lack “Privileges and Immunities” because they do not live within walking distance of the public property designated for a referendum ballot—a process established by the city charter to enable citizens to address grievances through petition and vote.
Moreover, Green claims he was subjected to retaliation following his whistleblower actions. He alleges that he faced adverse consequences after voicing concerns at a city council meeting about the transformation of community centers into event centers. Green, who holds a J.D. but is not a practicing attorney, represents himself in this legal challenge, highlighting the significance of safeguarding constitutional and human rights.